On October 29, Eden turned 8 months! We cannot believe how fast the time has gone and how big she has gotten. She is close to standing on her own and will probably be walking around pretty soon! It is amazing how strong this little girl is. At the last doctors appointment, Eden weighed 16 lbs. 9 oz (about 20th percentile) and was 28in. long (90th percentile)-it seems she is built like her daddy. She is a very healthy, very happy baby. She laughs and smiles a lot. She recently learned how to clap her hands when we say "clap clap clap" and she can also say "daddy" . Although that is the only recognizable word, Eden rarely isn't talking. She likes to make noises and squeals. It is really fun to play with her and listen to all her stories. We are so blessed to have such an amazing daughter!
Friday cat(s) . . . sort of
5 months ago
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